بفرمایید و دست کسی که این کار رو کرده درد نکنه، بسی زیباست
در این وبلاگ من چیزهای به دردبخوری که درباره ی رایانه دارم را با دیگران در میان میگذارم.
There are a few things you need to remember when entering UNIX commands:
Command | Action | |
cat | Print contents of file in the command window | |
cd | Change directories | |
cp | Copy the contents of file into file2 | |
history | List history of all commands issued at system prompt | |
ls | List the files and subdirectories in a directory | |
ls -F | List the difference between files and directories (directories will have a /) | |
ls -l | List files with status information (list the long way) | |
ls -lt | List file information in long format, sorted by time with newest files (or newly changed files appearing first | |
ls -a | List all the files in a directory, including dot files | |
mkdir | Make a directory | |
mv | Move file to file 2 | |
pwd | Print the pathname of the current directory | |
rm | Remove, or delete, files | |
rmdir | Remove directory | |
fs la | List access rights for |