Shahabinary English to Norwegian dictionary :
Shahabinary is a OS free, freeware PC application which is at least runable on Linux & Windows

(TESTED). The code is not open source this time (like Shahabinary 0.001) but I will post the source code in near future. Due to some technical difficulties with GUI, the word recognition ability has been disabled but will be functional again in version 0.003. This version enjoys a better GUI and much more comfortable design with significant changes in the code which makes it smaller and easier to compile. The only thing you need to do for running is to unzip the folder and double click on Shahabinary v. 0.0002.jar.
Again I repeat the words and database are not trustable and this is just an exercise in my learning progress. This project the focus is mostly on the technical part and not the dictionary parts of the application.
Click here to download the latest Shahabinary ...
Enjoy ...